Hello Maurice,

On Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 13:01 GMT +0200, audiences applauded as
Maurice Snellen [MS] announced:

JA>> %ODate="d.mmmm.yyyy"

MS> For pure English use, that would indeed be easier; however, if you
MS> want to have multiple copies of this macro for multiple languages,
MS> you'll have to do something like that.

Good point, I obviously wasn't thinking last night.  ;-)

MS> I wish that by setting the language in a message template, we could
MS> also make TB! use the names of the month in that language instead of
MS> English.

Doesn't TB get those strings from Windows?  If so, it might not be
possible to translate the language easily.  If that's the case, then
maybe someone could write a plugin macro to do the job.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal



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