Hello Trevor,

> I can't get to the registry anymore.

I'd recommmend you follow the procedure anyway. Just skip steps 1, 2,
3, 6, and 9.

I looked at the HKCU\Software\RIT entries and only found one set of
values that contain account info. So in place of step 9, I'd suggest
that you try the following:

a. enter your accounts into HKCU\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Users Depot as
   string values.

b. The default account name should be the data for the value

c. Enter the account names, starting with the default, into string
   values User #1, ..., User #X, where X is the total number of
   accounts that have folders in The Bat!\Mail

d. The order you enter the accounts will be the account folder order
   in the main window.

I think that if you have the data ready to be copied, TB! doesn't
require any importation step to use it. Import is reserved for
bringing in data from other e-mail clients.

regards, Andy

[Using The Bat! 1.62r under Windows 2000 Pro SP4
 on a "made from scratch" P4-2.4 GHz/512 MB RAM]



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