Januk [J],

Sorry for replying late but I've just stated a new job this Monday (usability
engineer), so it's a bit hectic for me... :)

On 03-11-2003 01:45, you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
J> Ok, I've got most of it, though perhaps not the hardest parts.  This
J> is partially tested, but you'll have to see if it actually works.

Er, it doesn't really.

Something is halting the output as only the fixed text is output, i.e.
the "NAVN=", etc.

Please see comments below:

J> =====[Begin template fragment]=====
J> %Rem=" Get Name and address from Billing Address "%-
J> %-

My problem is that when I load it into my RegExp tester it says
"Couldn't compile regular expression pattern: quantifier operand

So it's hard for me to test here. If I remove "(?im-s)" it will compile
some places.

If I remove "(?im-s)" the following is matched:

1: Billing Address
X: ------------------------------------------------------
2: Vidar Vardvik
3: Helletoppveien 6
4: N-4810 X: Eydehavn
X: Norway

The X's are all matched by the same part (according to the
RegExp-tester): same colour in the "result window", and the colour is
the one for "match" - and other parts are for the different types of
"sub pattern match".

It appears to match until Post code is listed at the fifth position.

J> %RegexpBlindMatch="%Text"%-
J> NAVN=%SubPatt("2")

J> ADRESSE1=%SubPatt("4")

J> ADRESSE2=%SubPatt("6")

J> ADRESSE3=%SubPatt("8")

J> POSTNR=%SubPatt("10")

J> BYNAVN=%SubPatt("11")

J> LAND=%SubPatt("12")

J> %Rem=" Get Name and address from Delivery Address "%-
J> %-

The same here as above.

J> LEV:ADRESSE1=%SubPatt("4")

J> LEV:ADRESSE2=%SubPatt("6")

J> LEV:ADRESSE3=%SubPatt("8")

J> LEV:POSTNR=%SubPatt("10")

J> LEV:BYNAVN=%SubPatt("11")

J> LEV:LAND=%SubPatt("12")


J> VEDR0REND=%SetPattRegexp="(?ism)^(Date Ordered|Ordre
J> modtaget):[^\n]*\n\s*(.*?)\s*\n(Products|Produkter):"%-
J> %_________%RegexpBlindMatch="%Text"%-
J> %_________%SubPatt("2")

Maybe it's just me who don't really understand this, but here the tester
doesn't complain about "(?im-s)"...

What _is_ (?im-s)? What does it do?

J> LEVERING=%RegexpText="(?im-s)^Sub-?total:.*?\n\s*?(.*)\s*?\n"

If I remove (?im-s), the "^Sub-?total:.*?\n\s*?(.*)\s*?\n" matches. OK,
now I get it: the RegExp tester sets the 'main match' as the one not in
parantheses. TB can do it better and decide which one of the
sub-patterns is the important one?


J> %_Shipping='%SetPattRegexp="(?im-s)shipping.*?(\d*([\.\,]d*)?)dkk\s*\n"%-
J> %___________%RegexpMatch="%Text"'%-
J> %-
J> %If:'%SetPattRegexp="(?im-s)^Total:.*\n\s*?(Moms|DK\smoms/VAT)\n\n"'<>'':'%-
J> FRAGTMOMSPLIGTIGT=%Calc="%_Shipping*0.8"dkk':'%-

This seems to return "FRAGTMOMSFRI=" no matter what I test it on?

Maybe I should test this by cutting it up and using it as QTs?

T H A N K  Y O U.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>
<thebat version> 2.01.20 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 </os>



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