on Wednesday, 10 December 2003, Terry wrote

>> and the Outgoing filter string (location:kludges; presence:yes)

> The expression is valid and certainly *should* filter on this (I
> tested using Dirk Heiser's RegEx tester for TB). Without seeing the
> source, it is difficult to tell what the issue might be.

> I'm trying to envision how you have your filter set up.

i have set it up one filter for each of my most common recipients. i
find it the most useful filter, i can't imagine that everyone doesn't
use it.

it keeps a private discussion thread located in one folder ... yet if
i send out an multiple-recipient message (eg. a joke), then it gets
put in the global 'sent' folder.

without  it,  the  i get multiple-recipient posts ending up in various
individual's folders, which is useless.

> If each address has its own filter, is "regular expressions" checked
> for this one?

!!! Terry, that's it, you've done it! THANK YOU!

and such a little thing too!

obviously i must have originally been told to do check that ... but
over time had forgotten, when i started recreating the filter for new
recipients. i haven't learned to use anything in the 'actions, option,
advanced' tabs, so i just stay right away from them.


Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 98
4.10 Build 2222



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