I infer the gMacros web site (the site is in German, I have no German,
so I do not know) that gMacrosPlugin 0.80 will work with TheBat!
Version 3. Does anyone have an English translation of gMacros Help?

MyMacros' web site says that MyMacros Version 1.11 will work with
TheBat! Version 2, but the site doesn't say anything about MyMacros
working with TheBat! Version 3. Has anyone used MyMacros with TheBat!
Version 3?

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
       MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
       Windows 2000 v5.0 - Build 2195 - Service Pack 4


Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA
homepage: www.nyx.net/~dgrunber/



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