Hello Michael,

>   How has anyone else dealt with this? The beta list is a very active
>   list and I would like to try to keep up, but I am having a hard time
>   at that. :)

I have a view mode that I use for mailing list like TBBeta, this and
others. I thread by Reference (ideal for this type of lists) and sort on
Created-descending (newest messages at bottom) and I have never run into
the problem you mention.

Created times are converted to local before displaying them in Created
column. For example, you message was created at 12:00:39 your time
(-0500) but it shows as created at 19:00:39 my time. As all created time
are converted to local, sorting just works perfectly.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5.20



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