Hallo Brian,

On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:14:18 -0700GMT (15-4-2008, 0:14 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BA> My apology if my messages are a bother. I don't believe I have
BA> ignored any questions, I've just tried to not include information
BA> that was irrelevant and therefore not to waste anyone's time.

It's just that I think we're doing something that isn't necessary.
The idea that I've got about your process is that you get orders for a
file by email and that you pass those orders through to some software
that creates the file and that this stuff is fully automated.
On creation of the file you send a message that it's ready.

What I'd do in such a case would be to create the file on the location
where it can be downloaded (no need to have TB moving it around) and
to grab the original order message and reply to that with a message
that says something like:
,----- [  ]
| Thank you for your order, the file you ordered can be downloaded in a
| couple of minutes from this url.
But as you think any additional information is irrelevant I can't make
any useful comments. Believe me any option that sets your scheduler to
run a test every minute whether there's a file to be sent or not is an
absolute waste of resources.

Groetjes, Roelof

Encyclopedias for sale. Never used. I know everything.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
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