
Now that we can access all e-mail adresses from an AB entry, I've
created a couple of QT's to help me with this.

In my situation I collect all e-mail addresses (past and present) that
someone uses/has used. The primary e-mail address is listed as the top
address; other current addresses are listed on subsequent lines.
Addresses no longer in use are listed after a line containing just a

I use the following two QT's:

,----- [ EMAILS ]
| %IF:~%TO~=~~::~%-
| %IF:#%_EA_No#=##%-
| :#%-
| %_EA_No(0)%-
| %_EA_Text("")%-
| :#%-
| %IF:~~%ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)~~=~~-~~%-
| :~~%-
| %IF:'%ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)'=''%-
| :'%_EA_Text("%_EA_Text, %ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)")%-
| %_EA_No(%CALC("%_EA_No+1"))%-
| '#~


,----- [ EMAILSOLD ]
| %IF:~%TO~=~~::~%-
| %IF:#%_EA_No#=##%-
| :#%-
| %_EA_No(0)%-
| %_EA_Text("")%-
| %_EA_Dash("")%-
| :#%-
| %IF:~~%ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)~~=~~-~~%-
| :~~%-
| %_EA_Dash(%_EA_No)%-
| %_EA_No(%CALC("%_EA_No+1"))%-
| :~~%-
| %IF:'%ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)'=''%-
| :'%-
| %IF:+%_EA_Dash+<>++%-
| :+%_EA_Text("%_EA_Text, %ABTOEMAIL(%_EA_No)")+%-
| :++%-
| %_EA_No(%CALC("%_EA_No+1"))%-
| '~~#~

This results in a comma-separated list of either current or old email
addresses. You can optionally use the PRINTRECIPIENT macro's to make a
vertical list from these.


Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
The Bat! v4.0.24; ; AJS v0.0; MyMacros 1.11a;


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