Dear Brian,

@15-May-2008, 16:19 -0700 (16-May 00:19 here) Brian Archer [BA] in

BA> In a template file(.tpl) below, that I'm using with TheBat!
BA> How do I bold the File Name (%SubPatt='2')? 

BA> I tried using html < b > < /b > before and after %SubPatt='2' but that
BA> didn't work and showed the tags in the message. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Well, it's not possible yet. The support for HTML templates is not yet
in TB and plain text messages have no way to convey bold text by
convention. So - you're onto a bit of a loser there for now.

... <snip>

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v4.0.24.10 on Windows Vista 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1

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