
  This might be a question that is a bit off topic, but as far as i've
  seen you TBUDL-people seems nice and friendly <smile>.

  Could someone sort out the problem of using 8-bit characters (like
  swedish letters å ä ö etc.) in emails.

  I'm trying different settings in TB, but for some recipients my
  subjects gets all scrambled up. I've tried quoted-printable and
  base64 in the settings, but nothing seems to fix the problem.

  AFAIK this mostly depends on the mailserver and/or recipients

  Anyone out there that might provide some information on this matter?

  Best regards. /Anders

Anders Engstroem
Dept. of Physical Geography
Lund University, Sweden
[[EMAIL PROTECTED]][http://anders.natgeo.lu.se]
[tfn: (+46) (0)46 222 03 78]
[tfn2: (+46) (0)709 620773]
Your mind is like an umbrella -
It doesn't work unless it's opened.
                         /Frank Zappa

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