On 30 October 1999 at 08:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

>> Well,  the  OS  is  software  in my vocabulary, so you are actually
>> saying you agree with me? :-))))

SL> No, OS does not equal software. The same software on 6 different
SL> OSs could yield 6 different levels of performance based on the OS.
SL> Software runs on an OS.

Hmm.  By  strict  definition,  of  course  the OS is software - it has
source  code, is compiled and written by programmers, but it is a very
different  kind of software from the application software of which you
were actually writing.

In  early microcomputers, basic interpreters, all written by Microsoft
(as  opposed  to Micro$oft - it was before the were far more rich than
they  ever  deserved  to  be,  but  I  digress)  running  on different
computers  with  different  OSs  would  each  have it's own unique and
individual  answer  to the great question "?1/1" (Print one over one).

I'm just engaging in some terminological pedantry. Ignore me. You know
it makes sense. ;-)

>> I  agree  with  you  here.  But that does not prevent me from being
>> frustrated  at  times. Even in Windows, a wrong click and I lost my
>> card game.

SL> It worked as expected. For me I would be frustrated at *me*.

Very  true!  Computers  are  not  the  source of frustration. It is an
individual's own ineptitude that provides it.

SL> Now, would I want the computer to somehow have programming to try
SL> to second guess me in this regard? No. Never, ever, ever, EVER,
SL> would I want that. Sure, I lost an hour of headbanging but that
SL> was because of my stupidity. Meanwhile, if there was some
SL> second-guessing programmed in, I would have to defeat it each time
SL> I meant to (which would be often, IMHO) and that would get me to
SL> be frustrated at the computer.

I couldn't agree more. Actually, I could. Okay. I agree more.

>> That  *would* be unreasonable, but people don't expect that. People
>> don't  expect  that  any  new  member  of  mankind can go to toilet
>> without training.

SL> Incorrect, they do expect to use a computer with no training at
SL> all. Just look at the number of computer stores that boast that
SL> you can take their computer home, plug it in and turn it on.
SL> Viola', it works!

Completely  and  utterly  true. It *is* a just small percentage of the
millions  of  computer  owners  and  users  that have actually put any
effort or time into training, let alone bothered to RTFM!

SL> OK, so now we have VCR+, enter one damned *CODE* and it sets
SL> everything else for you. *THAT* is still too hard.

>> computers are this comlicated and you are one of the select few to

SL> Computers are *NOT* complicated. Women, now that is a complicated
SL> piece of equipment!

ROFLOL <sigh>

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
www: http://www.silverstones.com
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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