Hello Patrick & all fellow TBUDL members,

Thursday, December 09, 1999, Patrick wrote:

PE>>> my 1.38 bat is crashing quite often....
PE>>> it always ends in an "Access violation at ^$*^(&^:, press ok...

PE>>> if anyone else has the same feeling that 1.38 is quite unstable i
PE>>> would try to repeat the crashes and write a bugreport...

R>> here it just freezes my entire system...
R>> happens a lot when there's lot of processor activity (like

I'm on my third v 1.38. The first (zip file downloaded the 7th from the beta
site) and third (exe file downloaded today from the ftp site) are
stable enough but the second, zip file downloaded today the 8th from
the beta site, did all you've describe so I trashed it.

Best regards,

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