Monday, December 13, 1999

Hello Thomas,

Monday, Monday, December 13, 1999, you wrote:

Thomas> Hi tracer,

Thomas> on Monday, December 13, 1999, 3:34:11 PM GMT+0800, tracer wrote:

t>> I want to make mailboxes with sub boxes etc and do this by moving them
t>> by mouse.
t>> What are the consequences on filters and other things pointing to
t>> mailboxes where they are NOW???
t>> I presume they have to be all redone??
t>> I like to know before I start how big the exercise/mess-up will be....

Thomas> When you have a filter pointing to a folder and you move that folder,
Thomas> the filter will move the pointer.

Thomas> If you create new folders altogether, this will not be possible.
Sounds good!

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

phone: 271194

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