Hi Frank,

On  25 December 1999  at  12:01:43 GMT -0500 (which was 17:01 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

FF> There's a difference between a bug report (which I was providing),
FF> a  higher  quality  bug  report  (a  method  for  reproducing  the
FF> problem),  and  a  bug  fix (which I was not providing).

This  is  not  the  forum  for  submission of such reports. Use Help /
Feedback  / Bug Report to submit a bug report to the manufacturers. By
all  means,  submit it to the UDL (user discussion list) for debate if
you  wish.

FF> You  don't  have the most effective attitude for getting more "The
FF> Bat!" customers

We *are* the customers, not the vendors.

FF> If  you  are  going  to  piss on customers that try to give higher
FF> quality bug reports, then you are going to have fewer customers.

1)  You  are  in violation of the profanity restrictions on members of
this list and,

2)  I  repeat,  we  *are*  the customers. This list is run by fans and
populated  by  fans  who  offer  to  help users having difficulty. The
responses  you  have  received are entirely appropriate and in keeping
with  those  precepts and goals. We do not seek to actively promote TB
sales here.

The  purpose  of  this  list  is  to  provide support for users having
problems  (like  yourself) getting to grips with TB. When you submit a
list  of  problems,  all  you will hear is work-around's and solutions
here  -  "check out this feature" or "try this method" - as in any UDL
or   News  Group  dedicated  to  *product  support*.  Why,  as  an  IT
professional  working in "Standards, products, services for the Global
Information Infrastructure", do you find that so surprising?

[excessive narrative and opinion snipped]

FF> Then  I  guess  you arean't interested in increasing customers ...
FF> which means my comments have little value to you.

If  that's  the  way  you  want  to  interpret  the responses you have
received to your expressed opinions, that is your choice.

FF> Happy Holidays!

And  to  you. :-) Perhaps, one day, you'll realize just what it was we
all  like so much about the features of TB that you denigrated to such
resounding refutation. Until then, enjoy your Eudora usage.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
www: http://www.silverstones.com
Using The Bat! 1.38e
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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