> Fac> I didn't find the help file that useful on IMAP4 the aol protocol, but 
> ve
>  Fac> got the imap server set-up etc but although the bat seems to get in 
> check 
>  Fac> mail boxes (in/sent) it doesn't download any email even when there 
> new 
>  Fac> email waiting.
>  I see there is no reply to this request yet. Some of my relatives are on
>  AOL; does anybody whether you can use TB with AOL accounts? (I know with
>  Compuserve, you would have to apply for a POP account, which robs you
>  of some other features.)

TB! is supposed to be IMAP4 compatible, and I know that ppl have used Eudora 
and Outlook express to access aol mail but I want to be able to use the power 
of TB! As far as I can work out there's no reason why i shouldn't be able to 
although it's just not working.

Let me tackle this another way has anyone used TB! with any other service 
that uses the IMAP4 protocol and got it to work? The fact that TB! has IMAP4 
support must mean it was built to work with it surely?

Thanks Again

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