
I've been using The Bat for a couple of weeks now, and I've already
registered it as it is by far the best Windows mail client I've used.

However, one thing I don't seem to be able to master is to setup a
filter to catch most of the spam sent to me. I've got quite a few
email addresses (about 30), but all of them contain either 'tim',
'acornarcade', 'iconbar', or 'webmaster'. I want to set up a filter to
check the recipient part of the headers for each of those words, and
if none of them are present, move the message to the 'Junk' folder
which I have created.

So, I created a filter with the following in the strings field:

   'tim | acornarcade | iconbar | webmaster'

That checks the recipient field and has 'no' ticked for 'present'.
However, this filter doesn't seemt to be working as it moves /all/ my
emails to the Junk box. Any ideas?

The only thing I don't like about The Bat is the fact that it quotes
with '>' instead of '> '.  I find a piece of quoted text that looks
like this:

> > > Hello
> >
> > Hi
> Hi!

Easier to read and follow than this:

>> > Hello
>> Hi
> Hi!

Yes, I know I'm fussy, but '> ' seems to be the standard method of
quoting so I would like The Bat to use it or at least have it as an

But other than that and the rather quirky auto-formatting, it's an
excellent program.  I've seen people talk about The Bat version 2, so
what exactly is this, what features will it have and when will it be

Anyway, below is my 'wish list' for new features:

 - A warning if you try to send messages without any subject (I
   frequently forget to add a subject, so have got used to this
   feature in other email programs.  Since I got The Bat I have sent
   several emails without subjects :-( ).

 - Option to colour signature's with a different colour to the rest
   of the message.

 - Option for different colours for different quoting levels.

 - Configurable toolbar, so you can remove unwanted buttons and add
   others that you do want (I'd quite like a 'show kludges' button.

 - Recognise the 'user-agent' header as well as the 'x-mailer' one
   when you ask the program to show the name of the user's email

 - "Kill file".  Right clicking on a message automatically sets up
   a filter moving messages by that author into a specified box.


Tim Fountain ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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