Hello Syafril Hermansyah,
On Sat, 15 Jan 2000 05:49:28 +0700 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, January 15, 2000, 5:49:28 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
Syafril> Hello Keith Russell,
Syafril> On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 at 20:25:25 GMT -0700 [Saturday, January 08, 2000
Syafril> 10:25 GMT +0700], you told to the list:
Syafril> [...]
KR>> You asked in a later message what I am doing while my mail is
KR>> downloading. Absolutely nothing...Tonight, after the first couple
KR>> of error messages, I closed all other applications before trying
KR>> again, and still got the error.
Syafril> I am back from long vacation, and I found more than 6000 messages in
Syafril> my (dutaint.co.id) account. Download using Personal Dial from my
Syafril> Server broke every 50 messages, it's really annoying!.
Syafril> I curious TB! is the culprit, because next download fail every 30
Syafril> messages, then 20 messages ..., sound like virtual memory or memory
Syafril> leak problem, even I still have 150 MB free space.
Syafril> So I search all *.tmp file, delete it all (I have around 10,000),
Syafril> after that re-download again...voila...everything fine!
KR>> This is happening every night now when I get home and download my
KR>> email. It's getting old fast. Time to send a bug report, I
KR>> guess....
Syafril> Check out *.tmp file on your Harddisk, delete it, try again.
Syafril> HTH
But, they shouldnt be created.
I remember seening those things ages ago, all going to my c:\temp
directory which I also use as temp for unarchiving things so it was
spotted as soon as it happened from way back.
As however I autoclean that directory and all *.tmp files daily, I
would never hit a problem with it.
Best regards,
Using theBAT 1.39 Beta/1
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