Friday, January 21, 2000

Hello Bat-users,

  A while ago i think Thomas complained about relaying problems from
  local isps when you are on a different provider then the one where
  your smtp/pop is.

  Ok, I have an smtp up and running on an usa server which at present
  is under testing to allow secure smtp login to transmit mail.
  Problem is that sofar Outlook seems to allow it, Netscape doesnt
  like it at all and not sure how to make the Bat do it...
  Its setup primarily for my own local users so that we sell them a
  secure mailbox independend from the in general lousy Thai isp system
  without being bound to a local isp for the mailbox.
  I have so many complaints that being able to do this means any
  normal ISP complaints arent going to be my problem anymore...

  1. any idea how to make the bat work in secure mode/does it work/has
  anyone tried it
  2. Anyone interested, well, contact me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Best regards,


Using theBAT 1.39 

using FireTalk: 321338

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