Hello, fellow Bat-lovers.
On Thursday, 27 January, 2000, 7:35:11 AM, Mark wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thursday, January 27, 2000, 1:21:55 PM, you wrote:
JDH>> Well, I finally gave in to my Bat fantasies and registered this
JDH>> software. I'm basically a mailer collector, being the proud
JDH>> registered owner of Datula, EdMax, DinoX, King of Mail, Akira32Gold
JDH>> and other obscure programs (all reviewed on my Web site).
> Checked out Datula from the link on your site, very nice MUA, just
> need to learn Japanese now:-) Do you know if they plan an English
> interface?
Agreed. I also enjoyed the rest of your Web site; it made me very
By the way, where did the "wonmug" come from?
Keith Russell
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