Hi there!

On 30 Jan 00, at 9:44, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote
    about "Re: Displaying Digest results in li":

> AVK> Note,  that  MIME  digest  might  contain MIME digests, which can
> AVK> contain  MIME  digests,  etc.,  etc. This is a *major* problem if
> AVK> your idea gets accepted by the developers, Marck.
> I  have cut your other responses to correct you right here, Alex. this
> is  *not*  my  idea  for a new way of handling MIME digests. It was my
> suggestion  to a user (who I subsequently discovered had left the list
> -  using Poco mailer to resign - before it was posted) concerning what
> is  *currently*  implemented  - how TB may work *right now*. I have no
> axe  to  grind  nor any new ideas concerning MIME digests - I wouldn't
> presume to usurp your throne there, old friend ;-).

Thanx, it's my own horse, and i'm going to ride it until it finally dies (or 

As for that Poco rider, he won't be happy with that nice parrot: it doesn't 
handle digests at all, AFAIK;-)

> AVK> Note that what I describe here is not a "theoretical" issue, it
> AVK> _happens_ (for example, those messages forwarded many times by
> AVK> AOL users <g>).
> Aaarrrggg!  Noooooo!  Not  another  joke  from  my  cousin's  friend's
> friend's colleagues wife's friend's husband's uncle's pet labrador!


> AVK> Digests are quite useful, although I myself usually prefer to
> AVK> receive the mailing lists traffic not in digest form.
> In  that  case,  do  you have any objection to Tom's idea of enhancing
> TB's to pre-burst the digest? I think that's quite a neat solution.

See my other message in the same thread. Anyhow, *when* writing plugins 
becomes possible (BTW, anybody knows, WHEN?;-)), it will become a 
breeze to correct all this;-)

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  People are like clouds all unique...

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