Hi Eberhard,

On 01 May 2000 at 13:31:07 GMT +0200 (which was 12:31 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
of "TB! WishList":

> I have sent this mail yesterday but it has been refused bcs I attached
> a small JPG to it showing the problems of sorting with Vew by
> reference. Sorry for the delay. Thus I omit the pic, of course.

No problem.

>>> 1-1. Autowrap
>>> Doesn't work if the line is changed.
>>> Example: I put wrap at 77 characters. I write my 78th char and it
>>> wraps. I decide to write more in the line above and thus I push the
>>> end of the line way beyond the 78th char. No wrapping occurs. This
>>> would be no problem if all I would have to do to re-wrap is go to the
>>> beginning of the next line below and press BACKSPACE.

>> Enable Auto-Format. When allied with Auto-Wrap, that's what it does.

> Nope, it doesn't. At least not the way it should. Try it. Type a line
> with less chars than the wrap limit. Press RETURN. Type something. Be
> annoyed. :-)

I shan't be :-). I have used this feature since its' introduction many
moons  ago and am so aware of its' methodology that it never annoys or
surprises  me. In plain text there is no such concept as a "paragraph"
unless   it  appears  after  a  blank  line.  Your  example  is  of  a
continuation  to  the  first  line.  by merely pressing return *twice*
instead of once, TB behaves impeccably IMHO.

> Additional remark after having read the "too robotic" thread: This
> behavior is hardly what it should be like. It is neither proper
> auto-wrap nor proper auto-format. :-(

I disagree. It is both - for the specific medium of *plain-text*. That
is  the  medium  in  which  we  all  write  e-mail. Perhaps there is a
shortcoming  in  terms  of  how  a new paragraph can start (first line
indenting), but for a plain text e-mail editor, it's the best built in
one I've used (and I've tried a lot).

It  doesn't  suit  everyone,  I  admit,  but  the hope is that v2 will
counter this by providing support for 3rd party external editors.

> The  JPG  showed  a  Re:  blah0, than a Re: blah1, and then a Re[2]:
> blah0. I wonder if this supposed to be normal?

I'm not certain I follow the description of the problem, but threading
by reference ties together threads regardless of subject line by using
the RFC822 In-Reply-To and References headers. Order is preserved when
all clients in the reply chain follow the correct convention.

>>> 7. Forward/Reply of multiple msg

> BTW,  right now here is such an occasion: Instead of replying to the
> arguments  of  each  single  person  I would love to select all your
> replies, hit REPLY and go along editing and replying myself. :-)

I can picture it. Sounds complex to me, but probably worth a wish list


> ...  is  there  something  like Rexx on this platform? So that I can
> write  my own little scripts, put them in a menu item of any program
> supporting this, and make the program do what my script says? Such a
> "merge" script should be done in no time flat, provided TB! supports
> the "merge" command.

Scripting is vaunted as a major v2 feature. Watch this space :-).

>>> 15. Folders
>>> On opening a folder, the cursor bar should immediately jump to the
>>> next new/unread mail.

> Okay, here most of you seem to be of the same opposed opinion. Maybe
> an option for this behavior could be the solution?

Another  thing a vociferous bunch of us oppose is the ad-hoc adding of
gratuitous options to cluttered configuration screens ;-). Still, this
is one suggestion that has started coming up more often.


Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
www: http://www.silverstones.com

| Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/20 S/N 14F4B4B2
| under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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