On Tue, 9 May 2000 18:03:58 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

> when I am in the main window, and I alt-click on a sender's name, I get
> to see only the messages from that sender. Same holds true for subject,
> etc fields. This is fine, and I use it a lot.

> To get out of this mode, I click ESC and can see all messages again.

> When I do the same in View Folder mode, ESC will close the folder
> insteaad of letting me see all messages again! Is this intended?

Yes, I've noted this conflict. <Esc> normally closes a view folder window.

<CTRL>+<=> is another way of redisplaying all messages so perhaps using
this instead is better in this instance although old habits die hard. I
end up just reopening the folder after it's closed. The message list is
back to the default listing of all messages when it's reopened. :-(

Allie Martin
Using TB! v1.42c on Win2k Pro
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=GetAlliePGPKey

Tag: "Honeymoon: time between I do and you'd better "

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