----- Original Message ----
> From: Jernej Simončič <jernej.listso...@ena.si>

> If the source says something like <a 
> that's illegal HTML, and the  result is not surprising. All &
> characters in HTML must be written as  &amp;. If a bare & appears in
> source, different HTML parsers will do  different things - some will
> remove & and all alphanumeric characters  following it, others will
> just remove the &, some will leave & as-is  and some will try to
> interpret the entity even though it's missing the  finishing ; (which
> is what seems to be happening in your case). None of these  behaviours
> should be relied on.

That's accurate except in this case. The reason the & character shouldn't be 
used in HTML is because it's a key element in the parsing of URLs (the & 
character separates parameters in the URL). So in this case, where the & 
character is actually in a URL, that is a perfectly appropriate usage of the 
character as it is separating the key value pairs bar=y and m=baz.

Loek, this could be a more complicated issue. I'm not clear on whether this is 
an issue with TB! or with IE (I'd be much more inclined to believe it's IE). 
say it works in plain text, but fails in HTML, but only if the destination 
browser is IE? If you copy the URL from the HTML email and paste it into the 
location bar of different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE) what  happens? My 
initial thought is that it has something to do with the encoding and possibly 
the settings in your OS. Some rigorous testing would need to be done to narrow 
down where exactly the issue is occurring. 


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