Dear David,

Please try to interleave your responses and trim to context as I
have done:

@24-Mar-2011, 07:27  David [D] in
mid:201132472749.470413@sd-e657e995c056 said:

D>>> I am going to the template I wish to copy and make the Handle
D>>> and Name the same without spaces

>> The name is irrelevant to anyone and anything but you and your
>> visual comfort. How you would like to see the template listed in
>> the QT list. You can have spaces in the name with no problem.

>> The Handle is the technical bit that is referenced in the
>> %QUINCLUDE macro.

I was trying to point out here that a handle is best without

D>>> At the top of this template I place %qinclude "MyTemplate"

As others have said you can put %qinclude="MyTemplate" or
%qinclude("MyTemplate") but NOT %qinclude "MyTemplate".

>> You have to put the %qinclude call at the top of the Reply
>> template or address book entry template or account new message
>> template or (shudder) the folder template.

This is the important bit!!

>> Well, I'm lost now. I don't know where the template you started
>> with came from or where the final macro call ended up.

... <snip>

D> Now if I select the whole template only the text in the cells is selected.

Okay, so it's an HTML formatted template. That would be more
complicated to copy into a quick template. Where is it? What is it a
template for??? New Message? Reply? Account or Address book? Please
answer these questions inline so we have a context and point of
reference for any replies you make.

D> Now select a new QT and the text is put in unformatted left aligned.

So - perhaps you can't just copy and paste an HTML template. I don't
know. I don't use HTML in email.

D> Now where does the %qinclude "My Template" go?

That's %qinclude="My Template" - and you should take out the space.

One of 2 places in a proper template (Account, Address book or
Folder ... New Message, Reply or Forward) or while you're editing a
new message, reply or forward, when you can type a QT handle and
press Ctrl+Space to invoke the template in real time, which you
can't do if the handle has a space in it!

D> If I put it in the original

Where is the original, David? You still didn't tell us.

... <snip>
D> But similarly if I put it in the template I am creating it just
D> shows Cannot find a quick template "" "My Template" , but the
D> text is not formatted nor is the table created.

Bill explained this one quite well.

... <snip>
D> -- -


Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
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