Create  an  HTML  email.  Save  it.  Close it. Open it. What you see is garbage,
though the underlying message still is okay if you print it.

Gary Odom
Friday, May 6, 2011 7:46:29 AM
The Bat! version 4.2.42
OS = Windows XP 5.1

Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 7:46:29 AM, Thomas wrote:

> Hello Gary,

> On Tue, 3 May 2011 16:46:26 +1000 GMT (03/May/11, 13:46 PM +0700 GMT),
> wrote:

gwu>> 5.0.8 corrupts any saved draft email. The Bat! staff confirmed this.

gwu>> Poor form not to have found this in testing before product release.

> I'm reading the beta list and I haven't heard about this problem
> before. Please explain what you see and what is corrupted.

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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