
Mail appears to be missing in a number of mail folders, even though the
mail can be seen on the "mother" computer.  Can you help me fix this?

Background: We use The Bat on two computers, a desktop (DT) and a
laptop (LT) which are networked. The original installation was on the
DT. All mail folders on the LT''s installation of The Bat points to
the folders on the DT as the source folders for the messages. Mail is
obtained from both gmail as well as several other domains and flows
into over a dozen different e-mail addresses. For most addresses, mail
is further sorted into subfolders, depending upon the sender's name.
However, at least three mailbox folders on the LT now display no
messages, even though the "size" column displays a correct volume
size, as shown on the DT. Most of the folders that are not displaying
messages on the LT are "inbox" folders. However, these folders on the
DT display all messages. Running the repair tool in the maintenance
center yields messages that these folders cannot be repaired. Creating
a folder on the LT named "inbox new" and pointing to the inbox folder
on the DT yields nothing. I have run virus scans and everything comes
up clean. The log file for at least one of the inboxes that displays
no messages says for several messages "5/18/2011, 07:09:04: FETCH -
could not store message (file name -
C:\Users\Annette\AppData\Local\Temp\batC42.tmp)"  with "Annette"
being the account name and the .tmp file name varies for each
unstored message.

Short of uninstalling The Bat on the LT and reinstalling it, is there
anything else I can do to recover the messages on the laptop?  By the
say, for those folders for which no messages are displayed, when I
click on "properties" and "additional", the word "browse" is greyed
out, thus preventing me from repointing the folder to the source data
folder on the DT.

Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

Avram Sacks
Using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on Windows 7  Home

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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