I recently updated from TB 4.x to what you see below. Everything went
OK. Not long after, my router failed (apparently), and I've had to
install a new one. Since then, and assuming Yahoo didn't change
anything in the meantime, TB has failed to pick up mail from my two
Yahoo! UK free Web mail account. This I do via POP3, and it worked
perfectly with previous versions of TB.

I haven't changed anything, or at least, I hadn't until I started
trying to "fix" things. Everything else seems to work OK; Magic Mail
Monitor, Popcorn, nPOPuk, Opera 9.64's mail client, all pick up Y!uk
via POP3 without problems.  Settings appear to be more or less common,
though as I don't know much about mail transport it's hard to know,
especially as different programs use rather different terminology.

Any suggestions, please?

 Robert Bull             mailto:theb...@theluminousvoid.plus.com

Using The Bat! v5.1.6.2 on Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6002 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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