Is there any way to change the default editor that
TB! uses when creating new messages?

I went into Options|Preferences to the Viewer/Editor item
and tried all four possible settings for the "Default editor
for text" setting, but TB! always gives my MicroEd and plain
text.  I even tried each setting, saving it, stopping TB!
and restarting, but the setting is apparently not used.
I've searched, but I've been unable to find any other place
where I might be able to choose the default editor and/or
message format for new messages I create.

Is my bat just broken, or is this a known problem or (most
likely) have I missed something critical?

PS:  What I'd REALLY like is to be able to set this preference
per email address in my address book as well as a system default
for destinations not in my book.  This is a very nice feature
that Thunderbird has and it is very handy, because I no longer 
need to remember what format each and every person in my address
book prefers (or requires.)

Steven Vallière | tb 5.4 |
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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