Hello MFPA,

On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 14:58:36 +0000 GMT (02-Dec-13, 21:58 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

>> My solution is to leave all messages on the server, so
>> that each computer downloads all messages. I use POP
>> only.

> Does this work with the "@thebat.net" email account you use for
> posting to this list? I ask because "@thebat.net" is a "managed" 
> Gmail account, and my Gmail account ignores the settings I have in TB!
> about leaving on or deleting from server. I've not actually checked 
> for my "@thebat.net" address but assumed the same would happen, sinnce
> the backend is all google.

I have 13 email accounts. I don't check all of them on all machines.
This "@thebat.net" account is one that I check only on this machine
(my home computer).

Therefore, I cannot answer your question. What I described works for
the accounts I share between computers.




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