
Le jeudi 6 f�vrier 2014 � 13:03:35, vous �criviez :

> Is charset=iso-8859-15 your default setting, at Account Properties |
> New Message? 

Latin 9 is my default charset for new messages.

> As a workaround, does all go as expected if you set UTF-8 
> there instead?

It's worse : if i choose UTF-8 for new messages, the header of a new message is 
now charset=utf-8 but the content of the message is always iso-8859

In fact, the Plain Text (Windows) editor only output iso-8859, even when 
configured for utf-8 (and thus utf-8 defined through the header of the mail).

Look this mail, i've requested UTF-8 (trough the status bar below of the 
editor) and here's a french accentuated char : � (eacute), the header of the 
mail will probably be set to UTF-8, and the special char remain iso-8859

Bien � vous...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon m�tier !
,_)t�phane Bouvard [ m...@frn.be ]

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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