On Tue, 2015-04-07, Fred wrote:
>> I only get them on the odd occasion.

> That's my experience -- I get a message such as that every once in a while,
> but I don't worry too much about it. With Windows, "It's Not All Ones and
> Zeros" anyway... :-)

I also get this, very occasionally, and the once or twice that I
investigated the stack traceback that was produced, it seemed
that The Bat! had called a Windows kernel procedure that was the
actual source of the offending instruction. I figured this
absolved The Bat! and looked no further.

I was pleased, however, upon restarting The Bat! that no data
seemed to have been lost.

Bill McQuillan <bill.mcquil...@pobox.com>
Using The Bat! on Windows 7 6.1 build 7601-Service Pack 1

Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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