Hello Jack,

Friday, July 17, 2015, 5:38:19 PM, you wrote:

TH>> Some addresses can be deleted from the dropdwon but other (with email 
history?) cannot.

TH>> I have deleted it from the Addresses tab near the account tree but still it
TH>> shows. I've deleted it from the address book too.

> If you're referring to the drop-down list which appears when you click on the
> down arrow next to the new message icon, then when the drop-down list appears,
> arrow down (not cursor down) to the offending address and press delete.

> If you're not referring to the above drop-down list and I've totally missed 
> the
> problem, my apologies for wasting bandwidth.

You're spot on. Some addresses can't be deleted that way which is the 
thrust of my question.

Best regards,
 Tony                            mailto:t...@parkinch.co.uk

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