
I hesitate to take up space here; no one responded to my first (June
13) request for help perhaps because no one else is running The Bat!
with Exchange. But since I did find a work around, I thought I should
report it in case it helps someone. If you aren't interested in The
Bat! working (or not) with Exchange, or if you cannot abide emails
that post on the top of the old one, stop reading here.

As I wrote back in June, in order to get The Bat! to work with
Exchange I had to run Outlook at the same time:

> I have had some issues making TB! play nicely with Exchange, which
> is, as I said, used by my place of employment. I have never been
> able to use TB without using the Outlook profile. In Properties,
> under Transport, I use the "Existing profile" option. In addition, I
> have to have Outlook running (minimized on the desktop) for the TB
> to find what it needs to connect to the Exchange server.

On June 9 this arrangement stopped working. It started working again,
with one change, yesterday. The change is that I now need to run two
Outlook windows at the same time for The Bat! to work. That is, I open
one window, then open another, minimize both, start The Bat! and it
works as expected. I can also start The Bat! first, it doesn't seem to

I hope this helps anyone else still trying to get The Bat! to work
with Exchange. If anyone can figure out _why_ this works, I'd be
interested in knowing.

Thom Parkhill
[original message follows]

From: Thomas Parkhill <parkh...@stu.ca>
To: tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com
Date: Monday, June 13, 2016, 9:49:52 PM
Subject: The Bat! and Exchange

===8<==============Original message text===============

Recently (June 9 to be exact) TB!'s relationship with the Exchange
server where I work has ceased working. I have uninstalled TB! and
reinstalled it; I have not cleaned the registry. I have asked my
work's IT folks if the Exchange server was altered last Friday, but I
haven't received an answer. I think it has not because the IT person
who would have done any changes will be out of his office until
Tuesday. He would not have made changes and then left for a long
weekend. There may have been some big Windows 10 update done in the
background, but . . . well maybe.

I am wondering if anyone else has TB! running happily with Exchange
and if so, if you've had a similar experience.

If you are not trying to work with Exchange, you need not read further
unless you are curious.

I have had some issues making TB! play nicely with Exchange, which is,
as I said, used by my place of employment. I have never been able to
use TB without using the Outlook profile. In Properties, under
Transport, I use the "Existing profile" option. In addition, I have to
have Outlook running (minimized on the desktop) for the TB to find
what it needs to connect to the Exchange server. This has been the
case since version 6.xx whenever coexisting with Exchange became
possible. I am currently running version 7.1.18 with three accounts.
My two nonExchange accounts -- a local ISP account and my gmail
account -- work just fine.

Here's what the account log gives:

 2016-06-12, 08:52:48: SEND  - sending mail message(s) - 1 message(s) in queue
!2016-06-12, 08:52:49: SEND  - Cannot connect to the server. Error logging into 
MAPI subsystem.
 2016-06-12, 08:52:49: SEND  - connection finished - 0 message(s) sent
 2016-06-12, 08:52:49: SEND  - Some messages were not sent - check the log for 
 2016-06-12, 08:54:25: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 2016-06-12, 09:20:27: FETCH - receiving mail messages
!2016-06-12, 09:20:27: FETCH - Cannot connect to the server. Error logging into 
MAPI subsystem.
 2016-06-12, 09:20:27: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
 2016-06-12, 09:20:35: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 2016-06-12, 09:59:18: FETCH - receiving mail messages
!2016-06-12, 09:59:18: FETCH - Cannot connect to the server. Error logging into 
MAPI subsystem.
 2016-06-12, 09:59:18: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
 2016-06-12, 10:03:11: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 2016-06-12, 22:34:02: FETCH - receiving mail messages
!2016-06-12, 22:34:02: FETCH - Cannot connect to the server. Error logging into 
MAPI subsystem.
 2016-06-12, 22:34:02: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
 2016-06-12, 22:38:02: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 2016-06-13, 10:40:25: FETCH - receiving mail messages
!2016-06-13, 10:40:25: FETCH - Cannot connect to the server. Error logging into 
MAPI subsystem.
 2016-06-13, 10:40:25: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
 2016-06-13, 10:44:25: FETCH - receiving mail messages

Meanwhile Outlook on the same desktop machine is working just fine. I
am sending this email using it. TB! just stopped working sometime last
Thursday night. I'm at a loss as to why Outlook works but TB!, using
the same profile, can no longer seem to log into the "MAPI subsystem."
But then I wouldn't know a MAPI subsystem if one were sharing
breakfast with me.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thom Parkhill
New Brunswick
===8<===========End of original message text===========

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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