Hello Tony,

Tuesday, August 9, 2016, 9:11:56 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Tbudl,

> I am searching for the string "Reporting-MTA" in the messagebase to 
> find the DSN reports. I understand that there are a number of 
> things to search for but TB! cannot find this particular string.

> However, I can see this string visually when viewing message source.

> There is a MIME part with header:
> Content-Type: message/delivery-status

> Is TB! ignoring the section? I am searching for Any Part and have also
> tried looking in attachments.

> Is this a bug? If not, how can I find the DSNs?

> Cheers

Does anyone have any insight as to how to search  for DSN reports?

Best regards,
 Tony                            mailto:t...@parkinch.co.uk

The Bat! (BETA) with IMAP on Windows 10.0. Build: 10586

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