
On Tuesday 21 March 2017 at 6:35:41 PM, in
<mid:1072088672.20170321183...@chriswilson.tv>, Chris Wilson wrote:-

> I have had
> to subscribe using
> a newly created GMAIL account. 

Gmail is just one of many possible service providers.

> Is it possible to read
> and post
> messages from within TB!


On the google website, log into your account. Find a setting (in account
access and security settings) with the ever-so-slightly loaded name of
"access for less secure apps", and make sure it is turned ON. 

Also on the gmail website, go to your mail account and click 
"settings" (which might be a sprocket wheel logo). Follow the link to 
"Forwarding and POP/IMAP". You need to enable POP or IMAP access, or 

In The Bat!, my current gmail settings are:-

SMTP server:     smtp.gmail.com
Connection: Secure to Regular Port (STARTTLS)
Port: 25 (you might need to use 26 or 465 or 587)
Authentication: Tick in Box for "Perform SMTP Authorisation (RFC2554)"
"same user/password as for mail retrieval" selected.

Mail Server:  pop.gmail.com (you could use IMAP instead)
User:   Recent:myUsername 
Password:       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection:     Secure to dedicated port (TLS)
Port:   995 (you might need to use 993)
Authentication: Regular

Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

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