Dear Richard,

@1-Apr-2017, 8:20  +0100  (01-Apr 10:28 here) Richard L de S Clauson
[RLD] in said to TBUDL:  

RLD> Has anyone else received a "monthly reminder" for their TBUDL, TBDEV, 
RLD> TBBETA mailing list membership from a different email address this morning?

I did.

... <snip>
... <snip>
RLD> Should I be worried that a different mail server is emailing me with my
RLD> login details to the 3 The Bat! mailing lists?

Not  at  all  in this instance. During March, Johannes contacted me to
let  me  know  that  the  current hosting server would be changing for
various  technical reasons. Clearly, the new mailman server is sending
out  reminders  in  tandem  with  the original. I will mention this to
Johannes  and see why two reminders were sent. It seems to me that the
old  server, while no longer responsible for sending out the list mail
itself,  is  still  running  and  thus  sent the old list subscription

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user TB! 
v7.4.16.1 (BETA) on Windows 10.0.14393


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