Guten Tag, Goos,

> So I downloaded and installed GPG4Win 2.3.3.
> Under Preferences I added as the GnuPG External Key Manager the file 
> kleopatra.exe
> which seems to be the managing GUI.
> But that file does not start

Already for many years I failed to implement PGP in my email correspondence.
However, I am a step further now, but still things are not ready yet.

First, the GNU-PG manager needed to be added to the 'allowed' programs'
in the security programs one uses. Except for the AVG-Suite I have the
three tools from WinPatrol. After the PGP-manager was whitelisted in those
tools, it started and I could create my PGP keys.

Second, with the help of the
site, I could export the Public Key to a file.

In TB, under Account - Properties - Options I checked the options
    Sign when completed
    Enable OpenPGP
I hope, the Public key will be added now as a footer to any message in
this account.

But fourth......
I do not understand this really.....
Can I now encrypt any message or only those to people who also use
Do I have to contact them all first to ask that?

Hoping to get a helpful answer,

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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