Some solving suggestions would be welcome ...

Because my work PC is not 100 % stable anymore, I bought a new one.
Both PCs are running under Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.
While slowly installing / transferring my programs from the old to the new PC,
I did the same with The Bat!.
First I did a clean install with the package thebat_64_7.4.16 msi.
Because I had the registration keyblock in the clipboard memory, the program was
easy registered.
Then I restored the backup made with The Bat! at the old PC, to get back alll 
settings and mail.

Two problems appeared:

1. For all accounts TB writes in the logs:
27-Jun-17, 11:57:50: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 27-Jun-17, 11:57:50: FETCH - Connecting to POP3 server <mymailserver> on port 
!27-Jun-17, 11:57:51: FETCH - Could not connect to the server 
The connections are all using TLS.

Although the program is accepted by my AVG Total Protection (which settings are 
the same as at the old PC) and my other protection programs (which are also 
no connection could be established, not even after the programs were 
deactivated temporary.

2. Sometimes directly, sometimes after few minutes The Bat! is closed by 
Windows, I did
not find some error.log by Windows, don't know where to look for that exactly.
The thebat64_Exceptions.log writes:

Date: 27 Jun 2017 12:02:44
OS: Windows 10  X64 (AMD or Intel) build 15063
PhysMemFreeTotal: 13794/16317 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 134217278/134217727 MB
MAPI #0: Windows Live Hotmail [Hotmail]; Path: C:\Program Files\Internet 
Explorer\hmmapi.dll (valid)
MAPI #1:  [Software]; Path:  (not valid)
MAPI #2: The Bat! [The Bat!]; Path: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\tbmapi32.dll (not 
MAPI #3: The Bat! Simple MAPI 32-bit [The Bat! Simple MAPI 32-bit]; Path: 
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\tbmapi32.dll (not valid)
MAPI #4: The Bat! Simple MAPI 64-bit [The Bat! Simple MAPI 64-bit]; Path: 
C:\Program Files\The Bat!\tbmapi64.dll (valid)
MAPI #5:  [Windows Mail]; Path:  (not valid)
Default Profile: 
Address: 00007FFCABDA0044
ClassName: EAccessViolation
Message: Access violation at address 00007FFCABDA0044. Read of address 
IsOSException: 1
 00007FFCABDA0000 ? ?
 0000000000400000 20170303195712 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat64.exe
 00007FFCABDA0044 [00007FFCABDA0000]
 000000000052C460 [0000000000400000]
 000000000052C460 [0000000000400000]
 0000000000410FEC [0000000000400000]
 00000000004126B8 [0000000000400000]
 0000000000410571 [0000000000400000]
 00000000007A9474 [0000000000400000]
 0000000000BE8B91 [0000000000400000]
 0000000000BE8C6E [0000000000400000]
 000000000052C460 [0000000000400000]
 00000000004126B8 [0000000000400000]

Well, I thought, I'd better to uninstall The Bat! completely, so ran the 
Then looked for left files and deleted them. 
Also deleted the TBMail directory.
Then I let CCleaner Pro clean up the registry. After a reboot I ran that .msi 
(see above)
again. I was quite astonished as I saw that TB still had some configuration 
from the
previous install. From where?

Anyone who can give me a hint to solve this all?


Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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