
On Wednesday 5 July 2017 at 12:15:37 PM, in
<mid:1667972852.20170705211...@sunnysydney.com>, Tom wrote:-

> I  tried this via rightclicking
> in the headers and
> then customize but somehow I don't end up with what I
> am looking for.
> E.g.  I  used  to have smallish icons without text
> and now some of the
> buttons   take  up  a  lot  of  space . 

The customise dialogue has three tabs. On the Options tab, maybe you 
need to uncheck "show button captions".

> Also, for the
> format container,
> I  can  see  many  Actions in the middle and options
> on  the right under Layout but on my page I
> have only Left/Centre/Right/Justify and Insert Smiley.
> I tried to follow the instructions in the helpfile
> but get stuck.  How
> would I add Bold to appear in my formatting container?  

I have no experience of this as it is not used in ordinary plaintext
emails. However, I just tried opening a new message window and
right-clicking in the headers and then customise.

If I click the "+" next to Format in the right-hand box, the menu 
expands and Bold is one of the listed items. If I highlight Bold and 
click the left arrow between the centre and right-hand boxes the word 
Bold vanishes from the right-hand box. 

In the list under Format in the right-hand box I now select the item I
want Bold to appear below, then select the word Bold in the middle
box, then click the right arrow between the centre and right-hand
boxes and the word Bold re-appears in the right-hand box below the
entry I previously highlighted. (I cannot directly make Bold the first
item in the list. To get it in that position, I have to get it into
second place, then delete the top item, then reinstate that item in
second place below Bold.)

Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

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