On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 thus spake Thomas:
TF> Hello Rich,

TF> On Tue, 28 Nov 2017 22:10:34 -0500 GMT (29/11/2017, 10:10
TF> +0700 GMT),
TF> Rich Gregory wrote:

>> Hello Thomas,

>> THIS account (tb...@mudshark.com) is working properly but in this
>> account my reply template is NOT set to adopt the TO address of
>> the message being replied to.
>> My main account however is templated to do so, like such:

>> Here is my main account REPLY template:

>> %MODIFYONCE(From)%-
>> %From=%Clear %From=%OTo

TF> [snip, as otherwise the reply won't make sense due to top-post]

TF> Have  you  tried  without  Modifyonce(From)?  Because you are
TF> actually
TF> modifying twice.

I removed the "%MODIFYONCE(From)%-" string from the reply template and there is 
no difference.
The reply looks like it is replying from the previous TO address but once sent 
it has the same myname@mydomain FROM on the email actually sent.

Using The Bat! email program version 8.0.10
Random tagline:
There cannot be a crisis next week.  My schedule is already full.
                  -  Dr. Henry Kissinger

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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