Hello TBUDL'ers,

When I start to type a name (lets say "John")into the TO field of a new message,
TB! will display a number of possibles, some of which have incorrect email
addresses. How do I get rid of these?

I have used the chevron at the end of the TO field (view history) and used the
down arrow to get the cursor into the history and deleted any instances of
"John" whose address was incorrect. I have gone into the AB (using the ABs
search function) and again deleted all instances of "John" where the address was
wrong, yet TB! still offers up some (not all) of the original list of possibles
whenever I type "John" in the TO field. So obviously I have succeeded in
removing *some* of the erroneous address entries, but not all. I don't know
where else to look.

Any ideas, suggestions?

Jack LaRosa

Using TB! 6.0.12
OS: Win 10 v6 Build: 9200

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