
On Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 12:20:10 AM, in
<mid:54154741.20190827182...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:-

> Hmmm, interesting. When I open a command window the
> first line says "Microsoft
> Windows [Version 10.0.17134.950]". The only
> difference is the last three
> numbers.

My Windows did a major update this morning and is now
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.295].

> The only odd thing I
> see is your use of the "percent,dash" in two places
> without anything following
> it. That apparently made the difference but I don't
> see how unless "percent,dash"
> is just undocumented.

In the help file's full alphabetic list of macros, "-" is the first on
the list. You use it to create line breaks in the template without
creating the corresponding line breaks in the message (which I do to
make my templates easier to read). No idea why it should make any
difference to the output from executing the windows version macros,
but glad it helped.
Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2017-r3sgs86x8e-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

Ultimate consistency lies in being consistently inconsistent

Using The Bat! v8.8.2.5 (BETA) on Windows 10.0 Build 18362  

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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