This message: 05/07/2000 11:39 GMT.
Hello Tom,

On 05 July 2000 at 01:26:24 GMT -0700 (which was 09:26 where I live)
Tom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed:

TP> Please be careful with your attributions.  Hopefully it's obvious that
TP> I didn't write that (by the 's>'), but "hello Tom" and such tend to
TP> indicate that I did.

  Yes, my apology for that. The quote came from your message that just
  happened to be the one from the same thread that I happened to reply

  Like you said, it was obvious that you didn't actually say what I
  quoted. But by the same token it should have been obvious that it was a
  re-quote from your message.

Best regards,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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