JMP> I've got a question. I have 2 computers, a home one and a laptop from
JMP> my job. I want to be able to use TB on both, as I will be off home for
JMP> a longer time but need to access all my mail (I have 12 accounts).

I use it on two computers as well, with the mail database stored on my
laptop.  Either at work or at home, I connect via hidden share (major
PITA in TB, but what can you do?).

The setup was relatively painless.  I just installed TB! on each of
the machines, "Cancelled" when I got to the account setup, hacked the
registry to point where I wanted "mail root" to live, and ding-dong,
it worked as soon as I created the accounts (all with default
directory structures).

What you want to do is probably even easier.  I'd copy your TB
installation onto the laptop and just run TB.  If setting up your
accounts is a pain, well, the registry keys to back up I'd figure are
all the "The Bat!" ones, and that should be in the archives (I don't
know what to do exactly myself, it's easier to just type in the five
account names that I have).

JMP> The company normally uses a mail program that doesnt need any
JMP> registry keys...

Ahh how I long for Agent 2.0.  :)  I have to wonder why it is that
programmers take that easy road out these days.  Sure .INI files
clutter up your hard drive, taking a whole sector for a teeny file,
but at least you can successfully and completely uninstall the
software when nothing is put in the registry.  Not to mention, backing
up sure is a lot easier when you don't need to hit the registry...


Bah, ridiculous thing.

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