Hi lostenroute,

On 27 July 2000 at 18:39:04 GMT -0500 (which was 00:39 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
of "several queries":

l> (1) What exactly is it that prevents me from viewing an html
l> document in The Bat? None of the pictures show and and icon for
l> netscape points to a URL in The Bat's directory (I think); in any
l> rate not to the web.

TB! Is not a browser and does not pretend to be a browser. Nor does it
link  to  browser  functions. GET commands to retrieve images from the
web  are  browser  related  functions.  If  an  image  is  an  in-line
attachment  to an HTML document it will show. If it is a web reference
that  needs  a  GET  command to retrieve it, a place-marker icon shows
instead.  TB  covers this shortfall by offering the HTML message as an
attachment  on  the  text  view  tab  for  that  message  which can be
double-clicked  to  launch  your favourite browser which can fetch the
out-of-line images should you wish.

I  would  like  to be able to place a small thermonuclear device as an
attachment  in  a  reply  to anyone who send me HTML mail with on-line
references. This is sadly not possible with current version of TB. ;-)

l> (2)  Why  are  my  messages sorted by TIME all of a sudden; this is
l> useless to me, I want them sorted by DATE.l

They are not. They are sorted by date. If the date is today's date, TB
suppresses it so that today's messages stand out from the crowd.

l> (3)  Is there any hope of fixing the bug that causes progressive
l> indentations of paragraphs if you happen to be at the end of the
l> wordwrap line and hit <space><space>?  One does this conventionally
l> after every period.

This is not a bug. This is the way TB can be configured to behave and,
I  think,  behaves  by  default.  I like the way it does this. Perhaps
someone  else on the list who doesn't like it can better advise you as
to  the  option settings they use to change this behaviour - it can be

l> (4)  I believe I am signed up as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That is a
l> pseudonym for the real account [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I use the former
l> for web-based correspondence as, for example, when your (ritlabs) URL
l> had me sign up to the mailing list.  So I can now only post to TBUDL
l> from Netscape mail, not from The Bat.  If I sign up again from jpcase. .
l> . (using The Bat), I will doubtless get two copies of all email and that
l> is not acceptable.  So, how do I switch my registration?  Or at least
l> un-register by one route (lostenroute. . .) so I can sign up by the
l> other (jpcase. . .)

l> Is anyone following this?


Send  a  message  to  tbudl.sub from the jpcase account. Once you have
confirmed  membership  for  that  address,  send  a  message  from the
lostenroute  account  to tbudl.unsub. That should do it. You may get a
few  duplicates  for  a  short  while  but, heck, there's a good "Kill
Dupes" option in TB.


Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
www: http://www.silverstones.com

| Using The Bat! 1.45 S/MIME S/N 14F4B4B2
| under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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