Morning Jason,

> 4) How can I deploy this to the entire organization as easy as
> possible? Meaning common settings and such, does TB keep it's
> default settings in a particular file? One thing that comes to mind
> is a common corporate address book. When I create a new address
> book, I can place it on a network drive, How can I do this once and
> have everyone see it?

 The address book files have the extension "abd" The configuration
 file (addrbook.ini) that stores the path to these is in the \mail
 subdirectory. So having a reference to the file in there should work.

 BTW, with file inclusion templates you can even have corporate
 signatures, if that is something you desire.

 A lot of user specific UI data (and other minor things) are stored in
 the registry.

 account configuration files:

.srx - filters
.fld - folders
.qtn - quick templates
.cfg - basic configuration
.log - log


.. Jast ... mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:  using TB 1.45
:  with AMD K6-2, 64MB RAM
:. on Windows 98 4.10 2222 A 
AIM     jasticle
ICQ     37456745

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