On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 17:32:00 -0400, Frédéric Médery wrote:

FM> Is it possible to make one filter for several persons.
FM> A rule like : if sender :fred OR steph --» inbox/family

Yes, you can. Create a new filter rule, specify the source and
destination folders, and then enter the filter string for one of the
persons under 'filtering strings'. Now, enter the other search strings
in the 'Alternatives' section of the filter rule setup dialog, hitting
the 'Add Set' button and entering a string for each of the other persons
mail to be filtered. TB! will then filter any mail that matches any one
of the strings that you've entered.

This is different from adding all the strings in the first window of the
filter rule dialog, under 'filtering strings', using the 'Add' button.
If you add all the strings there, you're asking TB! to filter messages
only if *all* the strings are matched in *each* message to be filtered.

-=A.C. Martin=-    [TB! v1.46 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1]
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"HAL 9000: Dave. Put down those Windows disks, Dave. DAVE! " 

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