Tuesday, August 08, 2000, 8:34:27 PM, phil, wrote:

p> Greetings Joe!

p> On  Tuesday, August 08, 2000  at  18:40:16 GMT -0500 (which was 4:40 PM where you 
think I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

JF>> This is precisely why a really smart guy once said "Different
JF>> strokes for different folks."

JF>> It's also why cars come in different colors, some have automatics, etc.

JF>> Henry Ford-like, I suppose you would rather have said, "My way or the highway," 
JF>> I'm really glad you're not in charge of anything that affects *my* life.
JF>> The horror.  The horror.

p> <mucho mucho flames snipped>

p> Actually Henry Ford was a Genius, even though he only had 3 months(or was that 
years?) of education, he Thought and then created what he wanted, He stuck to
p> his guns, and made a decision and stuck to it.

Yeah, he "stuck with it" until Chevy came out with cars in any color
you wanted!

Yes, ol' Henry was a genius alright, that's why today you can buy Fords in any color
you want, too.


p>  He didn't have the education needed to do ANYTHING himself, but he knew where to 
get folks that could do the
p> work.  Folks who are swayed by indecision will Never be successful.  He wanted a V8 
engine that was one piece, and finally got it, sure his engineers said
p> it couldn't be done for years and years, but he kept telling them to make it.  
Finally they did.  Without that there would have been no V8!

With all due respect, Phil, that's just not true.

We would have had V-8s one way or the other.

Because when people started to demand faster cars, *someone* would have
invented it.

Just like someone invented the V-10, V-12, etc.

p>  The fact is
p> people like Steve ARE in charge of things that do affect your life.

Steve's impact on my life is akin to the impact on me of a mosquito
imbedded in the ass of a chimp in Uganda.

p>  Steve likely surrounds himself with other like-minded intelligent types.

Yes, I've heard that sheep like to flock.

I'm an eagle, Phil, and eagles don't flock.

p>  (A group
p> perhaps)   Although you've been conditioned not to believe it's true, this is 
neither my fault nor anyone's except your own.  But you can always change your
p> destiny at any time.

I'm pretty happy with my life just the way it is, Phil.

p> In regards to different strokes for different folks, well some folks are going to 
be successful be cause they Think, others are doomed to failure by what
p> they think.     The river is two sided, one goes up to success, and the part most 
people get stuck in goes down to failure.

That's absolutely brilliant, Phil.

It's lucky for me that I'm already pretty damn successful, I suppose,

Yep, it was just my luck.

Better to be lucky than "smart," eh?

p> As far as the formatting question I totally agree with Steve's response.

That's certainly your prerogative, Phil, but I think I'll stand my
own ground, if you don't mind.

BTW, have Smart Little Stevie show you how to wrap your lines, okay?

My neck is sore from trying to read them.

Joe Finocchiaro

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