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Hello Joe,

Wednesday, August 09, 2000, 04:35:20, you wrote:

JF> Tuesday, August 08, 2000, 9:16:26 PM, Steve Lamb, wrote:

SL>> On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 08:27:21PM -0500, Joe Finocchiaro wrote:
>>> Yeah, sure, right after you learn how to spell.

SL>>     Oh, are we down to that level now?  Sheesh, what a newbie.

JF> You started it, ^%$&#, by nit-picking my formatting style, among other
JF> snide and petty remarks.

JF> At least learn how to spell before you do that, eh?

JF> Or can't you get your spell-checker to work?

>>> Most people who play golf well also usually spell well.

SL>>     Most people who play golf can't spell at all and, instead, use spell
SL>> checkers and their secretaries to do it for them.

JF> What's wrong, Little Stevie Smart?  Can't break 100?

JF> Boo hoo.

>>> I take exception to your mumbo jumbo ramblings above.

SL>>     Only because it is so true, isn't it.

JF> See: Yeats.

>>> You finally got something right -- we really have nothing to discuss.

SL>>     Only because you're incapable of visualizing anything other than your
SL>> petty little world.

JF> You have it backwards.

JF> You're incapable of "visualizing" the needs of the majority of users.

JF> You're head is so far stuck up your computer's ass, you can't see anything
JF> but bits and bytes anymore.

>>> So lets not discuss anything anymore, okay?

SL>>     Yes, leave.

JF> Make me.

JF> You can hear much less from me though, by ignoring me.

JF> Otherwise, you reap what you sow.

>>> I know how to hold a club, and that's all I need to know.

SL>>     Yup, the wrong way.

JF> There is no wrong way to hold a club.

JF> The "right" way is the way that *works* best for *you.*

JF> You'd know that if you weren't such a doofus.

SL>> And you still cry when everything goes wrong and
SL>> blame everyone else instead of look at yourself.

JF> First, I'm not the one crying.  Second, I don't blame anyone for
JF> anything.

JF> Third, when I do look at myself, I like what I see.

JF> And if you don't like it, you can stick it in your ear.

>>> Can I swing at anything I want?

SL>>     Sure, swing it at anything near you right now.  Might I suggest the
SL>> computer.  You'll get more use out of it that way.

JF> It serves my needs, that's all it needs to do.

>>> If you treated people decently, we wouldn't now be having at it.

SL>>     If people used their brains instead of whining like a gerbil with no
SL>> maybe I would treat them as something other than the rodents they are.

JF> Again, if you took your own advise and used your brain (yes, even
JF> *your* brain!), and not your ass, you'd notice that I'm not whining.

JF> I'm also not going to roll over for you either.

JF> You're the prototypical bully, and I hate bullies, especially the stupid
JF> ones.

>>> Fascists like you only know one truth, your own.

SL>>     Whoa, Fascist so soon?  Come now, I expected better of you.  So far
SL>> following the basic script.  Digs on spelling, calls of fascism, what
SL>> comparing me to Hilter?

JF> You're the one who started all this crap, not me, and it appears this is
JF> usual modus operandi here, too.

JF> I.e., insulting people, treating them like dirt, etc.

JF> Apparently you can dish it out, but you can't take it very well, can
JF> you?

JF> And now you're whining about it, in typical bully fashion.

JF> Well, I have a surprise for you, Little Stevie.

JF> I ain't gonna take it.

>>> It sure does, if you're trying to SELL SOFTWARE TO THE MAJORITY!

SL>>     Newsflash, the majority will never buy TB!.SL>

JF> Not if you have anything to say about it, eh?

>>> Besides, the chances of you ever calling me a sissy-faggity boy to my
>>> face are:

>>> 1.Slim

>>> 2.Nil

>>> 3.Nonexistent

SL>>     Only because

SL>> 1: We'll never meet.

JF> We can do something about that.

SL>> 2: Because you're a social outcast.


JF> I'm not a sheep.

SL>> 3: That would run at the first chance.

JF> I'm for putting this to the test, Little Stevie.

JF> It's time to put up or shut up.

JF> We can arrange it privately, at your convenience.

SL>>     Don't bet on what I won't do.  I say it to your face, with a smile.

JF> See above, and then lets see your big smile, eh?

>>> So what?  Again, I couldn't care any less about your problems, or your
>>> lack of any problems, either.

>>> Maybe you're just too damn dumb to know that you have a problem?

SL>>     Nah, I can identify problems and most times offer reasonable

JF> Is this a talent you like to keep hidden from everybody?

SL>> That, of course, requires critical thinking, problem solving and a lot of
SL>> intuition.  Thins you lack completely.

JF> Well, that can all be tested, too, i.e., on standardized tests.  Lets see
JF> who ends up on which side of the bell curve, too, okay?

JF> Right after we meet in person, that would really be nice.

>>> Geeeeeeeeez, I knew this group was an international one...but we must live
>>> on different freakin' planets!

SL>>     Oh, you forgot to mention you're typing with your nose and left ear
SL>> you were born with no limbs.  Wow, my very first exchange with the
mutt-man of
SL>> Mars!

JF> Au contraire, I think you've probably had countless encounters with people
JF> from Mars, mutt-men included.

JF> You even sound at times like you've been probed by them, too.

JF> You can check this out for yourself, Little Stevie Smart, by sticking
JF> your finger way up into your nose and feeling around for a sharp metallic

>>> Wanna learn something?

>>> Try learning how to talk to people.

SL>>     Why?  I can do that just fine.

JF> You could have fooled me.

>>> Yeah, right...and screwball fascists like you get to determine what's
>>> "right," eh?

SL>>     Nope.  Idiot "majority rules" lemmings like you do, which is 9/10ths
SL>> the problem in most nations.

JF> The problem as I see it are the many &^*%$s out there like you who think
JF> know it all.

>>> Which *still* makes you an %$#*&#, any way you cut it.

SL>>     That is supposed to impress me?

JF> Nah, it's just supposed to make me feel good.

SL>> Hell, I admit I'm a curmudgeon

JF> You're not a curmudgeon, you're just a garden variety ^%&^$*.

JF> You just like to think that you're a curmudgeon, but the rotten stench that
JF> emanates from you gives you away.

SL>> and an
SL>> ...hole.  Ask anyone on here for more than 2 weeks.

JF> I knew it from the git-go.

JF> In every users group, there's *always* at least one ^&%$%^.

>>> Too bad your follow-thru is so weak then, because you're not only
>>> wrong about this, you're an %$#*&# to boot.

SL>>     Prove that I am wrong.

JF> I can't prove a negative, just like you can't.

SL>>  So far your method takes more effort to do basic
SL>> things, mangles more text and causes more problems.

JF> Yes, my jury-rigged way does, but it's better than nothing.

>>> Maybe the "problem" was with the *technology*?

SL>>     Nope.  The problem is with the people trying to break standards that
SL>> there to enable them to communicate and then wonder why they can't when
SL>> do.

JF> Yeah, right...damn those SOBs who wanted to fly, who wanted faster
JF> and easier ways to make dinner, and especially those really stupid
JF> people out there who wanted to see movies in color, etc.

JF> Geeeeeeeeeeeeez.

>>> It's up to the industry to provide what the consumer wants.

>>> Not the other way around.

SL>>     It is also up to the industry to not break standards.

JF> Yeah, right...like no flying until after we invent the AIRPLANE, eh?

JF> Damn, you're stupid.

SL>>  If they do then the
SL>> whole system breaks down and the customer gets nothing.

JF> Ya see here?  It's obvious that you haven't a clue about what
JF> capitalism is all about.

JF> You live in a little techie world of bits and bytes, expecting people
JF> to conform to your every whim, in true techno-fascist spirit.

JF> Well, Little Stevie Smart, I have news for you.

JF> It don't work that way.

JF> Demand drives supply.  Period.

JF> Econ. 101.

SL>> Witness the whole
SL>> IE/Netscape war of competing /EXTENSIONS/ and ignorance of standards.  End
SL>> result were a ton of pages which look like crap on 1/2 browsers.

JF> So what?????????

JF> That's what competition is all about.

JF> For there to be winners, there must be losers as well.

JF> See: Sony Betamax and VHS.

SL>>     Cardinal rule of the internet, bucko, don't break standards.

JF> ^%&$ the internet.

JF> Just don't &^*% with the CONSUMER.

JF> Not if you're smart, anyway.

JF> But that pretty much leaves you out, eh?

>>> Yeah, you may think you "limited" them, but all you probably did was just
>>> push them to another provider, i.e., one that did allow large attachments.

SL>>     Really?  They get to that provider and fiund out that most bounce
SL>> that are too large anyway.

JF> That's funny, my provider has no such limits, no such bounce messages.

JF> But then again, I'm the lucky one, eh?

>>> Maybe you should learn more about business and less about computers?

SL>>     Maybe you should learn more about both.  You don't ruin the basis of
SL>> business in the name of the customer.

JF> If the customer isn't always kept paramount, you won't have any business to
JF> worry about ruining.

JF> Of course, people like yourself probably wouldn't care.

JF> You'd still have your bits and bytes to keep you warm at night, eh?

>>> How many people?  Two?  Three?  *snerk* *snerk*

SL>>     You're off by a few factors.

JF> It's nice of you to notice.

>>> Then the "problem," if you will, was with your specs.  Not with your
>>> customer's desires or needs.

SL>>     Those specs were designed before we started business.

JF> That figures.

JF> You sound precisely like the CEO of the Ready, Fire, Aim Company.

SL>> We were just doing
SL>> the responsible thing which is adhering to them.

JF> Yeah, right...just like Sony "adhered" to the Beta format?

JF> And just like Netscape "adhered" to its Business Plan while Microsoft was
JF> away its browsers?

JF> Well, I applaud your steadfastness, too.

JF> Too bad it's wasted on the wrong things.

>>> But you do sound like the typical ISP guy.

>>> They're mostly a bunch of %$#*&#s, too.

SL>>     Why?  Because we won't do everything every customer wants and in doing
SL>> break all conectivity and security causing a complete outage of service?

JF> Yes, because you haven't a clue as to who your "boss" really is.

JF> That's typical of stupid people the world over.

JF> And because you're an $%#&)^$, too.

SL>> You
SL>> know, most people are quire glad that we don't bow down to every petty
SL>> and do that.  They actually like being able to communicate from point A to
SL>> point B.

JF> As long as you look upon people's needs as being "petty," you're
JF> doomed to remain as stupid as you sound.

>>> And the reason that new standards will be put in place is because the
>>> people will DEMAND that they be put in place.

>>> You know, those stupid, ignorant "majority" folks.

SL>>     Only when they have gone through the appropriate process to create a
SL>> standard which includes peer review by the people who actually know what
SL>> going on instead of the rats (that's people like you), who whine about
SL>> not working without ever wondering why it doesn't work.  And then it is a
SL>> /NEW/ standard, not the old one which was broken.  I have no problems with
SL>> /NEW/ standard being put in place to allow large transfers.  However, it
SL>> to beat out several existing technologies designed for such a task and
SL>> ways to access them.

JF> Yadda yadda yadda...the people couldn't care less about your
JF> freakin' "process," or your freakin' "standards," blah blah blah.

JF> They only care about getting what they want, when they want it, and
JF> for a price they can afford.

JF> Everything else is moot.

>>> That should be your freakin' motto until you can talk to people decently.

SL>>     No, my motto is "The ingenuity of human stupidity will never cease to
SL>> amaze me."  People like you made me create that one and in the 10 years
SL>> I've coined it it has been true nearly every day since.

JF> That's funny.  My own motto is "Do unto others as they do unto you."

>>>> >> Henry Ford-like, I suppose you would rather have said, "My way or the 
>>> >> highway," eh?

>>> SL>     "They can have any color they want as long as it is black."  --
>>> Henry Ford

>>> Yeah, right, until Chevy came out with blue, green, white, and a
>>> maaaavelous shade of yellow!

SL>>     No, until a better drying process came along.  But then, I didn't
SL>> an ignorant twit such as yourself to know anything about history beyond
SL>> revisiting of dinner.

JF> And the urgency of finding a "better drying process" was pushed along by
JF> CUSTOMER DEMAND, you stupid little dweeb, or cars would still all be
JF> painted black!

JF> Geeeeeeeeeeeeez, you get stupider by the post.

>>> SL>     Hey, you never know, I might just be.

>>> No chance.  You're too damn dumb to get anywhere.

SL>>     *chuckle*  As compare to whom, you?  The gerbil of the world.  "It
SL>> Nah.  Trust me, I'm on a better track than you are.

JF> I'd trust Bill Clinton before I'd ever trust you, Little Stevie.

JF> And I wouldn't trust Slick Willie with a freakin' dollar broom.

>>> And, no, I won't be listening to you, so do us both a favor and save your
>>> breath.

SL>>     Do the list a favor, get your ignorant face away from here.

JF> All you have to do now, you see, Little Stevie, is make me.

>>> And a foul-smelling breath it is.

SL>>     Woooo....  Pardon me if I don't shudder.

JF> Then you'll be contacting me privately?

>>> When I want to become a petty, churlish, mean-spirited little fascist, I
>>> promise to come to you for guidance.

SL>>     Nah, you don't have the intelligence to even do simple things with a
SL>> editor. The best you can aspire to is being the first ever Darwin Award
SL>> based on an actual death.  I'd metting something that involves beastiality
SL>> motorsports in some new, inbred configuration.  You'll be a pioneer for
SL>> kin.

JF> Haha.  You're really starting to babble now, Little Stevie.

JF> That's the first sign of a stress-related breakdown -- gibberish.

JF> And that's too freakin' bad.

JF> Back off on those bits and bytes awhile, eh?

JF> Or seek professional help -- because I'm worried about you, guy!

I've been reading this and feel I have to join in in Steves defense
here. I work for  a defense sub contractor, I design hardware and
write reams of assembly for a living. In my line of work and any one
who was sufficiently intelligent enough to get a high tech job
standards are very important.

Standards ensure everything works with everything. IE, Netscape and
the old AOL all using different standards ruined the www for everyone.
Due to personal dislike for Netscape, Microsoft and AOL I couldn't
decide what browser to design for. In the end I went for IE4+,
Netscape doesn't have the power to create and *enforce* decent
standards while M$ does.

I want all my e-mail clients to be RFC 822 compliant, I want all pages
with all the scripts to work. If anyone can enforce real standards
I'll support them wholeheartedly.

Also Joe, TB! is an unbelievably simple editor to use, a wonderful
free caret system with toggleable auto formatting.

I agree with Steve that the old lets call everyone a Fascist ploy is a
tired  old maneuver only used by the commies or newbies. If you really
want to attack Steve find code he's written and try and optimize it.
People hate having their code re-written more efficiently by other

If you want to see what a civilised argument is like then I suggest
you see the thread titled "Re: OT? S/MIME & PGP (inspired by: Re[2]:
List server rules)" Thomas was a worthy opponent and I look forward to
discussing more topics with him. Both of us were civil at all times
and any barbs were very subtle and artistic. That's how a real flame
war goes on. The flames are so subtle it's very difficult for a
moderator to pick up on them. Although our discussion didn't quite
reach that level.

- --
Jamie Dainton
Wednesday, August 09, 2000 08:19:40
The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
Windows 98 4.10 2222

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