Hello users,

Over the last few days, Marck and I have received a flood of e-mail
concerning the flame wars on the TB lists.

New list rule in effect as of right now!

Marck, Wolfgang and I are the list moderators-- the *only* list

It is our job to ensure that things run smoothly with the list and its
participants. We fully believe that arguments are healthy and that
they help to push TB to better places. However, lately, the arguments
have been getting personal, derogatory, insulting, and offensive. This
is something that we feel strongly about.

>From now on, if a message is deemed outside of the bounds by the
moderators (and only the moderators), the poster will receive a
warning via private e-mail.

The second time, you will be be banned from the list with no fanfare.

If you feel that you must degrade someone in a public forum, then you
are a child and will be dealt with as such.

If you can't overcome your childish impulses, then you had better send
your e-mail privately to the recipient.

If you are the recipient of said e-mail, and you don't like it, filter
their e-mail to the trash.

We're all adults here. Let's start acting like it.

For clarification:

- Outside the bounds is defined as a post which is personally
  insulting and/or derogatory.

  Things such as, but not limited to:

  You're an ^&%*$, or any variant thereof
  Telling someone to go do something to themselves
  Telling someone to do something to you
  Telling someone to go do something to someone else
  Remarking on someone's intelligence, or rather, the lack thereof.

  You want to be sarcastic, that's fine, you get personal, that's not!
  And don't be a child and find little loopholes like "You know, some
  people are unbelievably stupid!" and then defend yourself saying
  "But I didn't direct it at him/her personally." We'll know the
  difference, and we'll hold you to it.

- Concerning the warnings.

  We're not going to keep a yearly running tab of who said what, when,
  and whether it earned them a disapproving glare from the moderators.
  The time between the warning and a ban will be determined on several
  levels and on a case-by-case basis to include the severity,
  impulsiveness, and consensus among moderators.

Those of you who have been with TBUDL and TBBETA know that we-- the
moderators, aren't heavy-handed, "My way or the highway" people. Those
who have been admonished in the past know that we did it fairly, in
accordance with "posted" list rules, and with good reason. There has
only been one banning in TBUDL/TBBETA history, and we'd like to keep
it that way. 

Thank you.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <http://www.pcwize.com>
TBUDL FAQ  <http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/faq.shtml>

Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
...Good  judgment  comes from experience; and experience, well...
that comes from bad judgment.

View the TBUDL archive at http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
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